
the purpose of
this book
is to introduce you to the

stringent rules and regulations
of becoming either

an employee of boxing clever

an intern at boxing clever

a possible employee of boxing clever

a financial donor or "sugardaddy" or "sugarmommy" or "daddy rockafella" of boxing clever

boxing clever

Please ignore this next section of body copy as this is for our SEO and keyword analytics person only.. Please ignore and skip this it is only for high-tech keyword analytics and measures, seriously, stop reading it and go to the section marked "The Name."

Boxing Clever, advertising, marketing, video, movies, porn, donkey porn, short people porn, fuzzy porn, pleather, pickles and whip cream, farting, dog farts, analytical dog farts, search engine fartization, metropolitan museum of fart, dogs with hats and jackets, owls with monocles, owls with hats, apes who wear powdered wigs, porn, Final Four Brackets, tacos, taco porn, porn taco, burritos, why do I watch Independence Day every time it's on? I mean that speech from Bill Pullman... or wait, is it Bill Paxton. No Pullman. Either way, good enough actor, but that speech? Really? Come on! But I love it when Will Smith punches the alien in the face. WELCOME TO EARTH! Should have added an MF in there. I mean if an alien tried to shoot me down in my plane, I would have said MF. Right? Social Media, Facebook, Twizzler, Twitter, Twiggy, Twatter, Fart Sandwich.

boxing clever